For the Fans
Actions and projects that aim to make the life of every Maccabi fan better

Fans. Not Hooligans
Maccabi fans, like any other sports fans in Israel, are a marginalized population. Our community's reputation is being tarnished, presentated as violent and criminal. Apart from the injustice caused to the entire community, we know that this could deter thousands of new fans from coming to the stadiums. According to the Taylor Committee's report, this action violates our fans' rights and well-being in the face of many factors. Therefore, we are protecting our rights against many entities, such as the Israel Police, the Football Association, stadium managers, sports media, and others, to ensure that fans have a positive experience in the stadiums (such as opening additional gates, reducing queue density, accessibility for people with special needs, and more).

Leaving No One Behind
Special entry for Shabbat observant fans to games held on Shabbat
In a complex country like Israel, it is difficult to find a day and time that will allow all the fans to come. Although some of Maccabi's games take place on Saturdays, this does not prevent dedicated fans from purchasing a season ticket.
In Achim LaSemel, we do our maximum to allow Shabbat-observants to enter the games on Shabbat. Before each such game, we conduct pre-registration of Shabbat-observant fans, in order to allow their entry in a non-digital way so that they do not desecrate the Shabbat.

5-Game Ticket For Combat Soldier
A special subscription for fighters that allows them to pay 250 NIS for 5 home games during the season.
An outstanding athlete receives consideration from the IDF and benefits in his military service, in order to enable him to progress professionally. But what about an outstanding fan?
For this purpose, we launched a special subscription for fighters that allows them to pay NIS 250 for 5 home games during the season. At the end of each fighter's service, he is also given the right to purchase a regular Maccabi subscription.
In addition, representatives from Achim LaSemel are in continuous contact with the fighters and assist in obtaining additional tickets for home and away games if possible.

Cafeteria Discount Card
A rechargable card that gives significant discounts to Maccabi fans at the cafeterias of Tel Aviv's sports venues.
As part of Achim LaSemel's struggle to lower the prices of the cafeterias , we initiated talks with the franchise owners of the cafeterias of the Tel Aviv Sports Hall; Bloomfield Stadium and Yad Eliyahu Hall.
Together, we made sure that every game would have price-supervised products, which even if they ran out of stock, would be replaced by premium products at a supervised price. In addition, we launched a rechargable card that provides significant discounts and shortens the purchase process and the waiting time at the cafeteria. The card enables control and monitoring of product prices and fans' consumption habits.

Maccabi Tel Aviv's virtual fan museum documenting the history of the club in its many branches, which includes game pages rich in content, pages of players and staff members, teams, old photos and various collectibles.
Was it true that this game...? And that player who...?
Some remember more, some remember less. Macbipedia is here to make sure no detail is ever forgotten.
Do you have a unique item worth adding to Makbipedia? Talk to us!

Fighting Against Profiteering
Ongoing operation of the "Yellow Card" group for buying and selling tickets at cost price.
In order to fight against profiteering and to ensure a fair sale & purchase of tickets among Maccabi fans, we established the "Yellow Ticket" Facebook group.
Each ticket has a fixed maximum price and the group managers make sure to keep away and report active spies.
In addition, throughout the season, the group's managers engage in activities that explain the damages of profiteering in order to reduce the number of buyers from profiteers.

Achim LaSemel Podcast
The professional-community podcast for Maccabi fans where they talk about statistics, data, community and a lot of other Maccabi content.
After victories, we want to hear every possible word about Maccabi. After losses, we try to understand what went wrong.
Every week, the Achim LaSemel podcast brings you everything that is interesting about Maccabi, talks about the recent game and the upcoming game, gives a community spotlight and everything that interests the yellow fans.
The podcast is available on all known listening platforms: Apple Podcast, Google Podcast and Spotify.

👍 Arrving To Bloomfield By Any Chance? 👍
Rides system for Maccabi fans
There is nothing more fun than going to a game together, talking about Maccabi and singing songs. Actually there is, getting back together after a big win!
So that every Maccabi fan can get to every game, we have opened the hitchhiking system that includes several Whatsapp groups divided by regions in the country. The teams connect fans who need assistance getting to the games with those who arrive in their own vehicles.

Joint Screening
Joint screening in selected games
Every fan would like to attend every Maccabi game, in Israel and around the world. But the reality is that it is not always possible. There are games in distant locations, games where only a small amount of fans can enter, penalties for closing the stands and boycotts. That's why we organize joint screenings of Maccabi fans in bars that also take care of treats, special discounts and a high-level watching experience.

Collaborations With Businesses
As part of our desire to create and strengthen the yellow sports culture, we approach businesses in areas near Tel Aviv sports venues and offer collaborations that benefit the fans. There are bars and restaurants in the Florentine area and near Bloomfield that gives discounts to Maccabi fans. As a result, the fans flood them before and after games, a classic win-win.
Want to be part of the atmosphere? Look for our publications onsocial media.
A business owner interested in cooperation? Contact us!

Collaborations With The Vollyball Department
Maccabi is not just a football team or a basketball team...
Last season, our volunteers started continuous contact and assistance to the volleyball club.
The activity is mainly focused on encouraging the fans to come to the games, in taking part in the operation and organization of the games themselves and even in organizing community activities together with the team.

Maintaining Fair Media Coverage
We work at all times to maintain fair coverage (neither positive nor negative, but fair) for Maccabi Tel Aviv fans. We will not accept attaching false stigmas, that harm the fans and the sports culture in Israel, to a community with normative fans.